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Enhancement Grants: Comments and (historical) Application Guidelines

At the present time the MnSGC is only funding projects through the higher-education affiliates, rather than accepting unsolicited proposals from outside the consortium through the "Enhancement Grant" program as has been done at certain times in the past. Although the Guidelines document linked below is not presently in use, it gives an good idea of the sorts of projects we encourage our affiliates to do, either on their own or in conjunction with local schools, companies, and/or individuals. If you are from an organization other than a MnSGC affiliate and have an idea that you think the MnSGC may be interested in helping fund (based on the Guidelines), call the MnSGC main office at 612-626-9295. If the project interests us we will seek a MnSGC affiliate to sponsor for your project (i.e. to add it to their annual request for Space Grant funds). Affiliate sponsors for non-affiliate projects may or may not become involved in actual project activities, but they agree to oversee the disbursement of Space Grant funds and do budget-year-end NASA reporting.

Outside projects with the highest likelihood of getting sponsored are ones that (1) are well-aligned with Space Grant goals as described in the Guidelines document, especially goals that the MnSGC affiliates are finding challenging to meet on their own, and (2) generate their own match, so that the sponsoring affiliate does not have to come up with additional match dollars. Probably the best time of the year to contact the MnSGC with ideas for projects is in the late fall, when affiliates are making proposals for the next annual budget cycle (which begins in late-spring, approximately). However if you have an idea for us to consider at some other time of year, don't hesitate to contact the MnSGC main office.

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Last Modified: 2007-09-21 at 12:09:02 -- this is in International Standard Date and Time Notation