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University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus

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Virology (VIRO) Courses

Academic Unit: Dent Molecular Virology Prog

VIRO 5030 - Virology Research Presentations
(1 cr; S-N only; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 10 credits; may be repeated 10 times)
Equivalent courses: was OBIO 5030 until 06-SEP-22
This course is designed to enhance knowledge in virology through research presentations as well as the critical evaluation of presentations of other students and researchers. Presentation will includes current virology research, both individual research projects and critical reading, and presentation of current literature. Previously OBIO 5030
VIRO 8010 - Molecular Virology
(2 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Spring)
Equivalent courses: was OBIO 8010 until 06-SEP-22
This course provides graduate students with a knowledge base for understanding the molecular aspects of replication strategies utilized in virus replication. Topics for the course will focus on the molecular aspects of virus replication for the major virus families (e.g., arenaviruses, bacteriophages, flaviviruses, herpesviruses, orthomyxoviruses, picornaviruses, and retroviruses) as well as virus evolution, structure, and taxonomy.
VIRO 8020 - Virus Pathogenesis and Host Interactions
(2 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Spring)
This course provides graduate students with a knowledge base for understanding virus pathogenesis and host interactions. Topics for the course will focus on the molecular, cellular, and organismal aspects of virus pathogenesis and host interactions. The concepts of cellular pathogenesis, tissue tropism, portals of entry, local replication and virus spread, virus dissemination, and congenital infections will be covered. A particular emphasis will be placed on virus pathogenesis of the major virus families (e.g., arenaviruses, bacteriophages, flaviviruses, herpesviruses, orthomyxoviruses, picornaviruses, and retroviruses) and virus-host cell interactions that can restrict virus replication and are responsible for immunity will be discussed.
VIRO 8050 - Evolution of Emerging Viruses
(2 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall)
This course is designed to provide PhD-level graduate students a knowledge base for understanding how HIV and other emerging viruses (e.g., Ebola, influenza, SARS, West Nile virus, hantavirus, hepatitis C) evolve and become public health threats. Topics for the course will focus on the biochemical, molecular, cellular, clinical, and epidemiological aspects of emerging viruses, with an emphasis on how each plays a role in virus evolution and emergence. This course will emphasize HIV as a key example of an emerging virus disease that has had a profound impact on human health. MS-level and advanced undergraduate students should register for OBIO 5050.

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