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Special Seminar: Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Coordination: Control via Consensus and Optimal Mass Transport

Mathias Hudoba de Badyn

2:30 PM on 2019-03-14

3-180 Keller Hall

Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Coordination: Control via Consensus and Optimal Mass Transport

Large-scale multi-vehicle systems such as autonomous cars, swarms of aerial drones, and satellites flying in formation are at the forefront of industrial and academic research programs. The key engineering challenges in designing these systems from a control-theoretic perspective involve effective algorithms for coordination between individual vehicles. In this talk, we explore the consensus algorithm and optimal mass transport. We show how techniques from electrical network theory allow for autonomous optimal communication network design, and how to reason about feedforward control strategies for swarms of vehicles in order to maintain formation in the event of intermittent communication.

Mathias Hudoba de Badyn is a doctoral candidate at the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Washington, under the advisorship of Mehran Mesbahi. He currently holds a doctoral postgraduate scholarship from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and was a University of Washington College of Engineering Dean's Fellow from 2014-2015. His research interests include the analysis and control of networked dynamical systems, with applications to autonomous air and space multi-vehicle systems.

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