MOT 5224 -- New Course

Tue Aug 23 14:48:38 2011

Approvals Received:
on 08-23-11
by Damian Damiani
Approvals Pending: College/Dean  > Catalog > CCE Catalog
Effective Status: Active
Effective Term: 1119 - Fall 2011
Course: MOT 5224
UMNTC - Twin Cities
UMNTC - Twin Cities
Career: UGRD
College: TIOT - College of Science and Engineering
Department: 11075 - IT TLI Mgmt of Technology
Course Title Short: Intro to Tech Ldrsh & Mgmt
Course Title Long: Introduction to Technological Leadership and Management: Assessing Emerging and Pivotal Technologies
Max-Min Credits
for Course:
1.0 to 1.0 credit(s)
The course requires 4 mandatory attendances. Two in person and two on-line.  The two in-person mandatory classes will take place on 9/9 and 12/1 (1:30-4:30 pm) & the two on-line mandatory classes will be on 10/14 (1-3pm) and 10/28 (10-noon).  The focus is on selected emerging technologies that are expected to play key roles in future industrial development. (1 credit)
Print in Catalog?: Yes
CCE Catalog
Focus on selected emerging technologies expected to play key roles in future industrial development. Current state-of-the-art status for each technology and the commercialization barriers and opportunities. Discussions by guest experts and student group analyses of potential applications of the technologies to industry. (1 credit)
Grading Basis: A-F only
Topics Course: No
Honors Course: No
Delivery Mode(s): Classroom, Videotape, Partially Online
Contact Hours:
3.0 hours per week
Years most
frequently offered:
Every academic year
Term(s) most
frequently offered:
Component 1: DIS (no final exam)
Component 2: DEM (no final exam)
Progress Units:
Not allowed to bypass limits.
1.0 credit(s)
Financial Aid
Progress Units:
Not allowed to bypass limits.
1.0 credit(s)
Repetition of
Repetition not allowed.
for Catalog:
<no text provided>
No course equivalencies
No required consent
(course-based or
No prerequisites
Editor Comments: <no text provided>
Proposal Changes: <no text provided>
History Information: <no text provided>
Sponsor Name:
Massoud Amin
Sponsor E-mail Address:
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes: * Student in the course:

- Can identify, define, and solve problems

Please explain briefly how this outcome will be addressed in the course. Give brief examples of class work related to the outcome.

The expectation and anticipated outcomes of the process are to further: * Discover the pivotal science and technology strengths in the current technology profile, as they relate to future trends. * Target major new growth platforms * Identify emerging customer needs and technology development opportunities * Gain insight for R&D prioritization and strategy and many more. For a more detailed list of outcomes, please see attached syllabus under the section "outcomes".

How will you assess the students' learning related to this outcome? Give brief examples of how class work related to the outcome will be evaluated.

Through participation in class discussion (10%) Through the final presentation on the technology(ies), pros/cons, cost/benefit, articulate urgent/tactical/strategic priorities, all findings and recommendations (70%) Through peer reviews (20%)

Liberal Education
this course fulfills:
Other requirement
this course fulfills:
Criteria for
Core Courses:
Describe how the course meets the specific bullet points for the proposed core requirement. Give concrete and detailed examples for the course syllabus, detailed outline, laboratory material, student projects, or other instructional materials or method.

Core courses must meet the following requirements:

  • They explicitly help students understand what liberal education is, how the content and the substance of this course enhance a liberal education, and what this means for them as students and as citizens.
  • They employ teaching and learning strategies that engage students with doing the work of the field, not just reading about it.
  • They include small group experiences (such as discussion sections or labs) and use writing as appropriate to the discipline to help students learn and reflect on their learning.
  • They do not (except in rare and clearly justified cases) have prerequisites beyond the University's entrance requirements.
  • They are offered on a regular schedule.
  • They are taught by regular faculty or under exceptional circumstances by instructors on continuing appointments. Departments proposing instructors other than regular faculty must provide documentation of how such instructors will be trained and supervised to ensure consistency and continuity in courses.

<no text provided>
Criteria for
Theme Courses:
Describe how the course meets the specific bullet points for the proposed theme requirement. Give concrete and detailed examples for the course syllabus, detailed outline, laboratory material, student projects, or other instructional materials or methods.

Theme courses have the common goal of cultivating in students a number of habits of mind:
  • thinking ethically about important challenges facing our society and world;
  • reflecting on the shared sense of responsibility required to build and maintain community;
  • connecting knowledge and practice;
  • fostering a stronger sense of our roles as historical agents.

<no text provided>
Writing Intensive
Propose this course
as Writing Intensive
Question 1 (see CWB Requirement 1): How do writing assignments and writing instruction further the learning objectives of this course and how is writing integrated into the course? Note that the syllabus must reflect the critical role that writing plays in the course.

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Question 2 (see CWB Requirement 2): What types of writing (e.g., research papers, problem sets, presentations, technical documents, lab reports, essays, journaling etc.) will be assigned? Explain how these assignments meet the requirement that writing be a significant part of the course work, including details about multi-authored assignments, if any. Include the required length for each writing assignment and demonstrate how the minimum word count (or its equivalent) for finished writing will be met.

<no text provided>
Question 3 (see CWB Requirement 3): How will students' final course grade depend on their writing performance? What percentage of the course grade will depend on the quality and level of the student's writing compared to the percentage of the grade that depends on the course content? Note that this information must also be on the syllabus.

<no text provided>
Question 4 (see CWB Requirement 4): Indicate which assignment(s) students will be required to revise and resubmit after feedback from the instructor. Indicate who will be providing the feedback. Include an example of the assignment instructions you are likely to use for this assignment or assignments.

<no text provided>
Question 5 (see CWB Requirement 5): What types of writing instruction will be experienced by students? How much class time will be devoted to explicit writing instruction and at what points in the semester? What types of writing support and resources will be provided to students?

<no text provided>
Question 6 (see CWB Requirement 6): If teaching assistants will participate in writing assessment and writing instruction, explain how will they be trained (e.g. in how to review, grade and respond to student writing) and how will they be supervised. If the course is taught in multiple sections with multiple faculty (e.g. a capstone directed studies course), explain how every faculty mentor will ensure that their students will receive a writing intensive experience.

<no text provided>
Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus: For new courses and courses in which changes in content and/or description and/or credits are proposed, please provide a syllabus that includes the following information: course goals and description; format;structure of the course (proposed number of instructor contact hours per week, student workload effort per week, etc.); topics to be covered; scope and nature of assigned readings (text, authors, frequency, amount per week); required course assignments; nature of any student projects; and how students will be evaluated. The University "Syllabi Policy" can be found here

The University policy on credits is found under Section 4A of "Standards for Semester Conversion" found here. Course syllabus information will be retained in this system until new syllabus information is entered with the next major course modification. This course syllabus information may not correspond to the course as offered in a particular semester.

(Please limit text to about 12 pages. Text copied and pasted from other sources will not retain formatting and special characters might not copy properly.)

Introduction to Technological Leadership & Management:
Assessing Emerging & Pivotal Technologies
Management of Technology (MOT) 5224   DRAFT

Develops an understanding of the fundamentals of management of technology with a focus on selected technologies, including energy, security and nanotechnology, expected to play pivotal roles in future industrial development. Current state-of the-art status for each technology, together with barriers and opportunities for commercialization will be addressed.

Discussions by two guest experts and student group analyses of potential applications of the technologies to industry will be conducted. More specifically we shall investigate selected pivotal technologies from energy (generation and transmission), security (critical infrastructure protection and sensor networks), and nanotechnology.

Security challenges of protecting critical infrastructure in the United States have been highlighted during the last two decades. In the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11th, our critical infrastructures are facing new scrutiny. Virtually every crucial economic and social function depends on the secure and reliable operation of our national infrastructures. Critical infrastructures such as electric power, oil/gas/water pipelines, transportation, and telecommunications networks including the Internet and digital systems become increasingly interdependent, critical and complex. From an asset management and strategic R & D viewpoint, the security, agility and robustness/survivability of large-scale critical infrastructure that face new threats and unanticipated conditions will be presented.

We will draw upon the technological innovations, fields of systems risk analysis, engineering, and economics to investigate infrastructure security, and to support design and management of complex infrastructure systems today and through the full life cycle. This course reviews and builds upon strategic technology assessment, technology foresight and forecasting, energy systems, sensor networks, critical infrastructure, systems⿿ vulnerability assessment, asset and risk management, investigation of infrastructure interdependencies and couplings, along with judicious analyses of pertinent technologies coupled with potential for market impact, and their contribution to strategically enhance our security and quality of life.

This course has also been designed to serve as a bridge between introduction to MOT, pivotal and emerging technologies, technology assessment, foresight and forecasting, S&T policy, and the strategic management of technology. Reading all of the references will be overwhelming to many in the class. Please decide who in your group will be reading which ones ("divide and conquer") and read the subset that is of most interest to you individually (say about 20%-25% per student).  The faculty members provide summaries and discuss selections from the reading list together in class.

Professor Massoud Amin
    TLI Director and H.W. Sweatt Chair in Technological Leadership
    Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technological Leadership Institute (TLI)
University of Minnesota
Phones: 612-625-0557 or 612-624-5747; Fax: 612-624-7510
Email:; Web:
Text Books and Supplemental Material
Required reading is posted on the course website in Moodle (please log in at, two zipped files contain the reading material and references, as well as samples of past final projects and reports.

Supplementary Books:
Cornish, Edward, Futuring- The Exploration of the Future, World Future Society (2004).

Arthur, W. Brian, The Nature of Technology, Free Press (2009).  (This text will also be used in MOT 8232 Innovation in the 2011 Spring semester.)

⿢        Albright, Richard, ⿿The Process: How to use roadmapping for global platform products,⿝ Visions Magazine, Oct. 2002.
⿢        Brin, David, ⿿Prediction a Faith, Prediction as a Tool:  Peering into Tomorrow⿿s World,⿝ Futures Research Quarterly, Summer 2006, pp. 16-24
⿢        Coates, Joseph, ⿿Normative Forecasting,⿝ in Futures Research Methodology, v. 2, edited by Jerome Glenn
⿢        Coates, Joseph, ⿿Why Study the Future?⿝ Research Technology Management, May-June 2003.
⿢        Coates, Joseph, ⿿Scenario Planning,⿝ Technological Forecasting and Social Change 65, 115-123 (2000).
⿢        Kostoff, Ronald and Schaller, Robert, ⿿Science and Technology Roadmaps,⿝ IEEE Trans. On Eng. Mgmt., 48, p. 132 (May 2001).
⿢        Popper, Steven, et al., ⿿Shaping the Future,⿝ Scientific American, p.66, April 2005
⿢        ⿿Innovation, the attackers advantage⿝-  Richard N Foster . Summit Books.   1986
⿢        ⿿Technology in the National Interest⿝ - National Science and Technology Council.  OSTP 1994. Washington DC 50502
⿢        ⿿Managing R&D as a Strategic Option⿝ ⿿ G.R.Mitchell ,W.F.Hamilton.  Research Technology Management.  May/June 1998
⿢        ⿿A Perspective on Entrepreneurship⿝- Stevenson, Howard H. Harvard Business School, case 384-1 3.  1983
The following supplementary Internet resources are also recommended:
⿢        Energy, Materials/Nanotech, Security/Communications, and Biomedicine:

⿢        For a related discussion of a subset of exciting Emerging Technologies please see the May 2005 issue of MIT Technology Review. For details on each please search subject word:
Airborne Networks
Quantum Wires
Silicon Photonics
Magnetic-Resonance Force Microscopy
Universal Memory
Bacterial Factories
Cell-Phone Viruses
⿢        In addition, please search your pertinent areas of interest in the development, application and use of distributed sensor technologies in the management, monitoring, and maintenance of infrastructure systems. Assess the state of the art on current technologies and on-going projects and assemble this information into a web page as a class project. For example, there are existing projects in use of sensor networks to monitor the quality of upstream Mississippi water and relay this information to automatically reconfigure the operation of the Minneapolis water treatment plant. RPI in New York State has had similar work on the way. We⿿ll identify technology and business opportunities in this area.

This process takes a very different perspective by looking into the future (2 to 10, or even to 20 years out) in Pivotal Technology areas totally outside of the electricity and security sectors. Once the key questions and issues are defined and the scope of the process is determined, the participants are divided into study groups.

The teams then look for interactions between electricity energy service trends or CIP areas and technology dynamics to develop a portfolio of science and technology opportunities in various categories pertinent to highest societal and business impacts.  The whole group then reconvenes to share, integrate, and analyze the outputs of the sector teams.  These overall opportunities are then mapped against the Assets of the system (taken in the broadest sense).  

The outputs of this step are then mapped back to the current technology strengths from the insight phase.  This overlay yields three types of opportunities and actions:

1.        Strategic enhancement of the Technology Power Zone⿢.  This extrapolates current S&T, society and business needs with incremental opportunities.
2.        Extension of the Technology Power Zone⿢.  The extension builds the strategic future based on today⿿s foundation.
3.        New Pivotal Technology Opportunities. Developed within current units, this identifies new development or alliance partnering prospects not currently in the planning horizon.

The expectations and anticipated outcomes of the process are to further:

Discover the pivotal science and technology strengths in the current technology profile, as they relate to future trends. The teams will identify and map those key science and technologies that are essential to the Consumer Needs, Technology Potential and Technology Scanning tracks.

Target major new growth platforms. The teams will sort existing science and technology strengths and new opportunities to characterize platforms.

Identify emerging Customer Needs and Technology development opportunities. These opportunities can be applicable to core stakeholders or involve new ventures based on science and technology strengths.

Gain insight for R&D prioritization and strategy.  Prioritization is a key problem for most R&D organizations.  There are always too many paths to take and jobs to do within resource allocation.

Integrate input for the strategic planning and optimization process.  The results of the foresight process provide a business view of science and technology developments and opportunities that can be integrated into the strategic plan, rather than tacked on as the ⿿contribution⿝ from R&D.

Leverage existing technology strengths. The process can lead to clearer insight on current science and technology assets when looked at from a future perspective, rather than just incremental contributions to today⿿s system and products.

Drive innovation through interconnecting the S&T community.  By using the expertise of technical and business professionals in the process, new relationships across disciplines and businesses are created.  These can be a major source of innovation for years to come.  We have also seen the re-energizing of key sectors and technical personnel through participation in these activities with their peers.

In taking the lead in this endeavor, Dr. Amin will help you to identify a few (less than 10) critically important highest priority Innovation Nodes.  While not an exhaustive list of the challenges that must be overcome, these are crucial to success, and thus, may ultimately become the focus of future efforts.  The highest priority Nodes will create a unified picture of critical goals and challenges for meeting 21st Century service expectations.  At this Residency, we shall:

1.        Each study group will identify a few (2-4) key pivotal technologies per group that make the highest impact.       
2.        Expand the list (12+) with related technologies that drive, use, or synergize with these.
3.        Map these onto the Technology Space Map⿢
4.        Circle size for Leading (large), Strong (medium), or Capable (small)
5.        Shape the Technology Power Zone⿢
6.        Where do the market, policy and technology trends move the power zone in the next 2-4, 5-7, 10 or 20 years?
7.        Share results with all participants.

Using examples of technology opportunities drawn directly from the energy and security sectors, study groups will be divided into parallel breakout sessions where they will systematically address each step.  Specific technology areas to be addressed are tentatively planned as:
⿢        Materials and devices⿿including nanotechnology, microfabrication, advanced materials and smart devices
⿢        Meso- and Micro- scale devices and sensors and networks
⿢        Advances in information science: algorithms, AI, systems dynamics, network theory, complexity theory
⿢        Bioinformatics,biomimetics, biomechatronics, systems biology
⿢        Enviromatics
⿢        Other industries⿿ moving to a wireless world⿿transportation, telecommunications, digital technologies, sensing and control
⿢        Markets, economics, policy and environment
⿢        End-to-end Infrastructure-- from fuel supply to end use
⿢        Other areas

You are free to select from a list of possible topics provided by the instructor or, with the prior consent of the instructor, to choose your own topic. Grades will be assigned based on:
⿢        Participation in class discussions (10%)
⿢        Each study group will prepare detailed analyses of selected pivotal technologies and their summary business cases.  A brief executive summary report along with a class presentation investigating and discussing pertinent technology, potential business impact and policy issues and debates, along with your analyses and recommendations, and provide a final presentation on the technology(ies), pros/cons, cost/benefit, articulate urgent/tactical/strategic priorities, all findings and recommendations (70%).
⿢        As always, please be mindful of balanced individual contributions and accountability; peer reviews (20%)

Class Date        Time        Content

Session 1:

1:30-4:30 p.m.
In person at TLI

        3 hours

        2.5 hours:
Introduction to the course and Pivotal Technologies Overview:
Framework and Assessment Methodology

Context and case studies for energy, cyber, telecommunications and information systems, nanotechnology, and security challenges

Pivotal Technologies in energy, cyber/telecom/information systems, Nano

30 minutes: Ideation on course projects and team assignments

Session 2       

4 hours        1 hour:
Leadership Excellence

2.5 hours: Global R&D/market dimensions: Understanding emergent and accelerated global trends/shifts in energy, education, population/workforce, R&D centers and Innovation;

30 minutes: Discussion & share results-- identify additional needs and final project preparations

Session 3
1-3 p.m.

4 hours       
45 minutes:
Project Plan Presentations (5 min. per team)

1 hour:
Understanding Local vs. Global ⿿ Examples include China/India and global dimensions

Scanning, Mapping and Evaluation Activity

2 Hours:
Nanotechnology continues to be a vibrant and emerging area for science, engineering, and business.  Focus on basic nanotechnology principles and applications including the science of dimensional scaling (in the electrical, mechanical, optical, chemical, and biological domains); nanodevices and components; nano-materials, nanostructuring, and nanofabrication; integrated nanosystems; and considerations for interfacing nanotechnologies with the micro-, meso-, and macroscopic worlds.  Several case examples in nanobiotechnology, nanoelectromechanical systems, or NEMS, and nano-optics will be presented to expose both the multi-disciplinary science of nanotechnology and considerations needed for the development of new business opportunities.

Breakout groups:
Identify Opportunities and fuse with nano, IT, and global dimensions
Discussion and Opportunities for synthesis
Identify additional needs and preparations for course projects and preparation for group presentations

Session 4       

4 hours        Workshop:
Expanding your view of the pivotal technologies, global MOT, investigating and discussing immediate to short/mid-term as well as longer-term collaboration and innovation opportunities in the above areas, along with pros/cons, associated risks, cost/benefit, and strategic/tactical/urgent issues.

Discussion & share results: Identify additional needs and final project preparations

Session 5
1-3 p.m.       
4 hours        Midterm progress report group presentations with Short-term and long-term moves
(20 minutes per team)

Review: Framework & Assessment Methodology, followed by Workshop:
Opportunities for synthesis, New Product Development (NPD) and New Business development (NBD)

Recursion on identified opportunities and
convergence of pivotal technology opportunities
Case studies: IT, Energy, biosciences, IP and other selected areas

Assessing opportunities in the above technological/business sectors (combined with economic, policy and cultural interests/goals)

Session 6-7       

8 hours        Analyzing opportunities that organizations/companies can lead as new business development or forming global alliances.

Marketing analyses-- How do the market factors look? Infrastructure for telecom. power/energy and transportation

Work force retention and escalating salaries
Cost factors vs. emphasis on expertise
Lessons learned, time lines, surprises, threats and opportunities
Blockers, Accelerators, and the Next Steps: Possible road ahead for innovations in global technology environment
Session 8  

1:30-4:30 p.m.
In person at TLI        3 hours        Final Project Presentations report back & share results: 20 minutes/project team

Opportunities for synthesis, next steps and wrap-up


Faculty Biographies

Dr. Amin holds the Honeywell/Harold W. Sweatt Chair in Technological Leadership, is the Director of the Technological Leadership Institute (TLI), and is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Minnesota in Twin Cities. In addition to his administrative and research responsibilities, he serves as the director of graduate studies for the management of technology program and teaches several courses including MOT 8920 (Science & Technology Policy), MOT 8224 (Pivotal & Emerging Technologies), MOT 8940 (Intellectual Property Valuation & Strategy), MOT 8950 (International MOT Project), MOT8234 (Capstone Projects), and several courses in MSST and ISE programs including ISE 5302 (Critical Infrastructure Security and Protection), ST 8620 (MSST (Capstone Projects), and several sessions in ST 8110 (Security Science & Technology Foundations), ST8111 ( Methods, Theory & Applications), ST 8330 ( Critical Infrastructure Protection), and ST 8331 (Dynamical Systems Modeling  and Simulation).

Prior to joining the University of Minnesota in March 2003, Dr. Amin held positions of increased responsibility including Area Manager of Infrastructure Security, Grid Operations/Planning, and Energy Markets and head of mathematics and information sciences at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, California. In the aftermath of the tragic events of 9/11, he directed all security-related research and development at EPRI, including the Infrastructure Security Initiative (ISI) and the Enterprise Information Security (EIS). Prior to October 2001, he served as manager of mathematics and information sciences at EPRI, where he led strategic research in modeling, simulation, optimization, and adaptive control of national infrastructures for energy, telecommunication, transportation, and finance.

At EPRI, Dr. Amin developed collaborative research initiatives with diverse groups, including electric power industry, the government, universities and other stakeholders (including EPRI and its members, the US DOD, DOE, NSF, National Governors' Association, NRC/NAE, and the White House OSTP). This primarily involved creation and successful launch of the Complex Interactive Networks/Systems Initiative (CIN/SI), initiated in mid-1998 in response to growing concerns over the vulnerability of critical national infrastructures. CIN/SI developed six research consortia consisting of 108 professors and over 200 researchers in 28 U.S. universities, along with two energy companies, co-funded equally by EPRI and the U.S. DOD. In the course of the CIN/SI, Dr. Amin pioneered RD&D into smart grids, coined the term 'smart self-healing grid' and led the development of more than 24 advanced technologies transferred to the industry.

Prior to joining EPRI in January 1998, he held positions of associate professor of systems science and mathematics and associate director of the Center for Optimization & Semantic Control at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. During his twelve years at Washington University, he was one of the main contributors to several projects with United States Air Force, NASA-Ames, Rockwell International, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, MEMC, ESCO, Systems & Electronics Inc. and United Van Lines.

Dr. Amin is the author or co-author of more than 190 research papers and the editor of seven collections of manuscripts, and serves on the editorial boards of six academic journals. At Washington University, students voted him three times Professor of the Year (voted annually by seniors in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Washington University, 1992-1995), Mentor-of-The-Year (Assoc. of Graduate Engineering Students, Feb. 1996), the Leadership Award (voted by the senior engineering class, May 1995), and received the 2011 Engineering Alumni Achievement Award. Dr. Amin received Best Session Paper Presentation Awards (American Control Conference, 1997) and an AIAA Young Professional Award (St. Louis section, 1991). At EPRI he received several awards including the 2002 President's Award for the Infrastructure Security Initiative, 2000 and 2002 Chauncey Awards (the highest annual EPRI Award, in March 2001 and 2003), and six EPRI Performance Recognition Awards during 1999-2002 for leadership in three areas.

He served as a member of the Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE) at the U.S. National Academy of Engineering during 2001-2007, the Board on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BMSA) at the National Academy of Sciences during 2006-2009, serves on the Board of Directors of the Texas RE (2010-present), and is a member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, a fellow of the ASME, a senior member of IEEE, AAAS, AIAA, NY Academy of Sciences, SIAM, and Informs. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society's Task Force on Security and Privacy, and served on the Board of the Center for Security Technologies (CST) at Washington University (2002-2006). Dr. Amin holds B.S. (cum laude) and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and M.S. and D.Sc. degrees in systems science and mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Dr. Polla holds the Honeywell/William R. Sweatt Chair in Management of Technology (MOT) at TLI.  Dr. Polla joined IARPA in January 2011 previously he was at DARPA since 2004 where he served as a Program Manager in the Microsystems Technology Office. He received B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and physics, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering, and the electrical engineering E.E. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and the M.B.A. degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

He has held faculty positions at the University of California - Berkeley, Yale University, and the University of Minnesota. Since joining Minnesota in 1987 he has held joint academic appointments in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and Department of Biomedical Engineering as the Earl E.  Bakken Endowed Chair. He has held a variety of administrative positions, including Director of the Microtechnology Laboratory, Director of the Biomedical Engineering Institute, and founding Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. His current research interests are in nanotechnology and MEMS.

Dr. Polla is a former Presidential Young Investigator and a recipient of the W. M. Keck Outstanding Engineering Educator Award. In February 2011 Dr. Polla received the Medal for Exceptional Public Service from the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense, which said, ⿿America⿿s national security is strengthened by his efforts,⿝ he also received a "Devoted Service and Achievement Award" from DARPA.

Dr. Polla served as President and CEO of SurroMed Pte Ltd, Singapore; Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology - Nanotechnology Laboratory, Singapore; and Faculty Scholar at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He has served in several national security advisory roles for the Defense Science Board, DARPA, U.S. Navy CNO, Naval War College, U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, and U.S. Department of Energy.

Ms. Tess Surprenant holds the Gemini Chair in Technology Management at the Technological Leadership Institute (TLI) in the University of Minnesota⿿s College of Science and Engineering.

Prior to joining the Technological Leadership Institute, Ms. Surprenant was at the University of Minnesota⿿s Carlson School of Management (CSOM) for six years where she was an instructor in business administration, where she developed and led workshops on leadership development, professionalism, and career progression for undergraduate and graduate business students in the CSOM.  Ms. Surprenant was responsible for preparing Carlson⿿s top undergraduate students for careers in the most sought after and highly competitive industries and companies in the world.  

Additionally, she has over 15 years of experience in roles of increasing responsibility in marketing and business development at BASF Pharma/Knoll Pharmaceuticals, Armstrong World Industries, HNC Software (now FICO), United Airlines, and Coloplast Corp.

Ms. Surprenant⿿s research has focused on factors influencing effective technology transfer, the history of technology commercialization, and leadership, management, and organization effectiveness in innovation-driven organizations.  

Ms. Surprenant holds a B.S. in technical communications and an M.S. in the management of technology (MOT) from the University of Minnesota.  She is currently pursuing a PhD in the history of science, technology and medicine at the University of Minnesota.

Strategic Objectives & Consultation
Name of Department Chair
<no text provided>
Strategic Objectives -
Curricular Objectives:
How does adding this course improve the overall curricular objectives ofthe unit?

<no text provided>
Strategic Objectives - Core
Does the unit consider this course to be part of its core curriculum?

<no text provided>
Strategic Objectives -
Consultation with Other
In order to prevent course overlap and to inform other departments of new curriculum, circulate proposal to chairs in relevant units and follow-up with direct consultation. Please summarize response from units consulted and include correspondence. By consultation with other units, the information about a new course is more widely disseminated and can have a positive impact on enrollments. The consultation can be as simple as an email to the department chair informing them of the course and asking for any feedback from the faculty.

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