CE 3402 -- Changes

Thu Apr 8 11:16:55 2010

Sponsor Name:
New:  Mihai Marasteanu
Sponsor E-mail Address:
New:  maras002@umn.edu
Propose this course
as Writing Intensive
New:  Yes
Old:  No
Question 1: What types of writing (e.g., reading essay, formal lab reports, journaling) are likely to be assigned? Include the page total for each writing assignment. Indicate which assignment(s) students will be required to revise and resubmit after feedback by the instructor or the graduate TA.

New:  Six formal laboratory reports will be assigned during the semester.  Each laboratory report will be a minimum of two pages in length.  All laboratory reports are eligible for one round of revision after feedback is received.
Old:  <no text provided>
Question 2: How does assigning a significant amount of writing serve the purpose of this course?

New:  The laboratory report allows students to apply the analytical strategies, documentation methods, and professional writing style that will be expected in their future careers.  
Old:  <no text provided>
Question 3: What types of instruction will students receive on the writing aspect of the assignments?

New:  Writing instruction will be provided through the use of in-class lectures and pre-lab discussions. In-class lectures will cover basic standards for professional writing and genre-specific standards for the laboratory report.   The pre-lab discussions will reinforce the material taught in the lecture by exploring the specific content and rhetorical requirements for each section of the laboratory report and by addressing common errors found in student work.  
Old:  <no text provided>
Question 4: How will the students' grades depend on their writing performance? What percentage of the overall grade will be dependent on the quality and level of the students' writing compared with the course content?

New:  One third of the students' final grade will be based on the laboratory report writing assignments.  Significant attention will be given to the quality of the writing, including use of professional tone, proper rhetorical strategies, and correct content organization.
Old:  <no text provided>
Question 5: If graduate students or peer tutors will be assisting in this course, what role will they play in regard to teaching writing?

New:  Civil Engineering currently employs a full-time writing instructor, who will provide writing instruction for the course.     
Old:  <no text provided>
Question 6: How will the assistants be trained and supervised?

New:  Writing instruction will be provided by the writing instructor.  TA training and supervision is not required.
Old:  <no text provided>
Question 7: Write up a sample assignment handout here for a paper that students will revise and resubmit after receiving feedback on the initial draft.


In this laboratory session, you will be introduced to basic equipment necessary for tension testing, the operation of a material test frame, data acquisition equipment, and procedures for testing metals. In addition, a basic introduction to the behavior of metal structures will be covered. Some objectives of this laboratory include:

1.        Learn Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the equipment you are using
2.        Learn how to perform tensile coupon tests
3.        How to obtain basic properties of metal coupons
4.        Gain an understanding of a typical stress-strain curve
5.        Gain familiarity with pertinent ASTM standards required for tensile testing of metals

Experimental Activities
The following activities are conduct during this laboratory session:

1.        Determination of Young¿s Modulus following ASTM Standard E111
2.        Failure Testing to determine Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, and Elongation as per ASTM A370, ASTM B557, and ASTM E8
3.        Use of a flexure beam to determine Young¿s Modulus
4.        Use of a flexure beam to determine Poisson¿s Ratio

ASTM Standards
In this laboratory session, you must read the following ASTM Standards:

1.        A370: Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
2.        E8: Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
3.        E132: Standard Test Method for Poisson's Ratio at Room Temperature
4.        A36: Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
5.        B221: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes
6.        E6: Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing


Test 1: Tensile Testing ¿ Young¿s Modulus

The purpose of this experiment is to measure the modulus of elasticity (Young¿s modulus) of aluminum and steel coupons by loading the coupons in uniaxial (one-directional) tension. The modulus of elasticity, a fundamental constant for linear elastic materials, is an index of the stiffness of the material. For many common structural materials, including steels and aluminum alloys, strain is an essentially linear function of the stress over the range of stresses normally encountered by load-carrying members. Figure 1 represents a typical ¿stress-strain¿ diagram for a metal under uniaxial stress.

Figure 1: Typical stress-strain diagram for a metal under uniaxial stress

By definition, the slope of the linear portion of the diagram is the modulus of elasticity, shown as E:

where:        E = Modulus of Elasticity, ksi (MPa)
        &#963;, &#916;&#963; = Stress and change in stress, ksi (MPa)
        &#949;a, &#916;&#949;a = Strain and change in strain, dimensionless

Stress is a defined concept and is not directly measurable. Because of this, experimental determination of the stresses in a complex structural member or mechanical part ordinarily requires the measurement of the strains and subsequent calculation of the stresses from Hooke¿s law. For the uniaxial stress state, Hooke¿s law is a rearranged form of equation 1:


For the more general biaxial (two-directional) stress state, however, Hooke¿s law is as follows:


where:        &#957; = Poisson¿s ratio (discussed below)

To determine either stress in the biaxial state, two strain measurements are required, and two elastic constants (E and &#957;) must be known. It is obvious from the form of Equations 2 and 3 that the percentage error in &#963; will be at least as large as the percentage error in E. Therefore, accurate values of the elastic moduli of structural materials are of considerable importance to engineers.

Equipment and Supplies
Tensile test coupon [specimen], calipers, Satec universal test machine, data acquisition computer.

1.        Measure the width and thickness of each metal coupon, and record all dimensional data in Table 1-1.
2.        Procedures for testing Young¿s Modulus will be conducted by the TA and you will make observations. The test will be run at 0.1 inches per minute. Strain will be measured using an extensometer or strain gauge and recorded in an electronic data file.
¿        If necessary, adjust the measured forces and strains. If the initial values of the measured forces and strains are not equal to zero, adjust the measured values by subtracting the initial values from all the measured values.
3.        You will be given the data via email (or course website) for calculation of Young¿s Modulus for A36 Steel and 6061-T6511 Aluminum.

Post Analysis and Report
1.        Compute engineering stresses. Using the electronic data files in a spreadsheet program, construct a diagram of engineering stress vs. engineering strain. Include this diagram in the results section of the report and plot both coupons on the same diagram.
2.        Use a linear trend line to determine the modulus of elasticity for each coupon to three significant figures, including proper units.
3.        Compare the modulus values you obtained in Test 1 to the published values.
¿        Use percent error formula

Test 2: Tensile Testing ¿ Test to Failure

The tension test provides information on the strength and ductility of materials under uniaxial tensile stresses. This information is commonly used in comparisons of materials, alloy development, quality control, and design. The results of tension tests on machined specimens from selected portions of a part or material may not totally represent the strength and ductility properties of the entire end product, or its in-service behavior in different environments. However, the test is considered satisfactory to be used in industry for acceptance testing of commercial shipments, and is done so extensively for this purpose.

Equipment and Supplies
Tensile test coupon, calipers, universal test machine, data acquisition computer

Each group will test an ASTM A36 Steel coupon and an ASTM B221 6061-T6511 Aluminum coupon to failure, to determine the yield stress, ultimate stress, percent elongation, and percent reduction of area. For each coupon, you will determine whether it meets the mechanical property requirements of the ASTM Standards. During the test, the computer will be graphing load vs. displacement. The following procedure applies to each coupon:

1.        Record all relevant data for this experiment in Table 2-1.
¿        Carefully measure the width and thickness of each specimen using a caliper.
¿        Scribe a two-inch gage length on each specimen using a straight edge. The scribe lines will be used to determine the elongation of the coupon.
o        Use a felt-tipped pen to scribe lines on the aluminum specimen (lightly) and the steel punch to scribe lines on the steel coupon.
2.        Install the specimen and prepare the Satec machine and PC as described in the Introduction Lab. Data will be collected using the data acquisition computer. See Introduction Lab for instructions on how to use this program.
3.        Set the test speed at a rate of 0.1 inches per minute.
4.        Push the ¿tension¿ button [NOT THE JOG BUTTON] and put about 100 lbs. on the specimen. Watch the dataplot to make sure the grip is good and the plot is moving in the correct direction. Reverse the loading direction by pressing the ¿compression¿ until the load is near zero.
5.        When ready, start the electronic data collection system. Begin testing by pressing ¿tension¿ and proceed until failure. Be sure to hit the red stop button after failure.
6.        Save your data file for each specimen onto a memory stick.
7.        Remove the specimen pieces from the jaw grips and make a detailed record of the general features of the fracture surfaces, including the fracture angle. Sketch the failure surfaces in Table 2-1. Fit the two pieces of the specimen back together and measure the final width and thickness at the narrowest portion (failure point) and measure the distance between the two scribe marks record these values in table 1-2.

Post Analysis and Report
1.        Plot engineering stress vs. displacement (position) for each coupon on the same graph and include this graph in your report. Determine the yield strength [&#963;y] and ultimate tensile strength [&#963;u] for each coupon by examining the plot. Mark these points on the plot.
¿        &#963;y and &#963;u must be approximated by graphical inspection if displacements or strain were not measured. If these values were measured, the ¿offset¿ methods discussed in lecture can be used.
2.        Compute the percent reduction of area [%RA] and find the percent elongation [%EL] for each material using the definitions below. Compare the calculated %EL to the published minimum ASTM values. Do the experimental values exceed the minimum requirements?

3.        Determine whether or not each coupon meets its required ASTM standard based on the mechanical properties of &#963;y, &#963;u, and %EL.
¿        Be sure to pay close attention to the standard. Sometimes a value must meet or exceed a minimum in order to pass, while other times it must fall a given range.

TEST 3: Flexural Test¿Aluminum Beam Young¿s Modulus

In this experiment, the flexural stress-strain diagram for an aluminum alloy will be obtained by loading a beam in cantilever bending as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Cantilever beam test setup for Test 3

With the dimensions of the beam known, the stress as a function of the applied load can be calculated quite accurately from the Flexure formula:


where:        M = Bending moment at gage centerline, in-lbs. (N-m)
        c = Distance from neutral axis to location of interest, in (m)
        I = Moment of inertia of beam cross-section, in4 (m4)
        P = Load, lbf (N)
        L = Effective beam length, in (m)
        b = Beam width, in (m)
        t = Beam thickness, in (m)

The bonded strain gauge will measure the strain at the location of interest [extreme tension/compression fiber]. The load will be applied incrementally and the corresponding strains are recorded. The stresses calculated from the flexure formula and measured strains will be plotted to produce a stress-strain diagram from which the modulus of elasticity can be determined.

Equipment and Supplies
Flexure beam with strain gage attached, strain indicator box, strain switch box, calipers, masses

1.        Make sure the loading screw is not touching the beam.
2.        Measure the width and thickness of the aluminum beam using a caliper.
3.        Hang the stainless steel cup on the tip of the beam, putting the tip of the hook into the divot on the beam. We will ignore the weight of the cup for this experiment.
4.        Set the strain switch box to channel 1.
¿        Channel 1 reads the longitudinal strain from the gauge.
5.        Zero the strain reading on the strain indicator using the ¿balance¿ dial.
¿        Do not adjust the balance again for the remainder of this procedure.
¿        If you have any issues with your values, please call the TA for assistance. Do not turn any other dials other than told.
6.        Add masses incrementally following Table 3-2. Record the strain at each load step.
¿        The display value is in microstrain (&#956;&#949;)
7.        Remove the masses and cup when finished.

Post Analysis and Report
1.        Compute the longitudinal stress at each load step using the flexure formula.
¿        The mass of the steel cup and cables is 240.8 g.
2.        Plot longitudinal stress vs. longitudinal strain for the aluminum flexure beam. Include this plot in the results section of the report.
3.        Compare to the flexural value computed to the values found in Test 1.

Test 4: Flexural Test¿Aluminum Beam Poisson¿s Ratio

It is an experimentally observable fact that when a test specimen consisting of an isotropic elastic material is subjected to uniaxial stress, the specimen not only deforms in the direction of the stress, but also deforms the perpendicular direction. Poisson¿s ratio by definition is the absolute value of the ratio of transverse to axial strain in a uniaxially stressed member.

where:         &#949;t  = Transverse strain,  
&#949;a = Axial strain

Thus, Poisson¿s ratio is always a positive number. To obtain the transverse strain in a uniaxial stress field, given the axial strain and Poisson¿s Ratio,


Poisson¿s ratio can be measured readily with two strain gages on a uniaxially stressed member. One gauge is aligned in the direction of the applied stress and a second gauge is aligned perpendicular to the first. A tensile test specimen with a uniform stress field is commonly used for this purpose, and the gauges are mounted adjacent to one another in the form of a "T".

Strain gauges exhibit some degree of error from detecting strains perpendicular to the measured direction. This is called transverse sensitivity. Errors in strain measurement resulting from transverse sensitivity are typically small because transverse sensitivity itself is quite small. Sometimes the error is small enough to neglect and other times it¿s not. To achieve an accurate strain measurement, the transverse sensitivity error can be corrected by a factor applied to the perpendicular gauge measurement. This is done to yield an accurate value of Poisson¿s ratio by this method.

Poisson¿s ratio can also be measured with reasonable accuracy on a cantilever beam. In this experiment, an aluminum beam with two bonded strain gauges will be used to determine Poisson¿s ratio in flexure as shown in Figure 3. It is assumed that under flexural loading the longitudinal strains at corresponding points on the upper and lower surfaces of the beam are numerically equal, differing only in sign. The same assumption is made for the transverse strains.

Figure 3: Cantilever beam test setup for Test 4

Equipment and Supplies
Flexure beam with strain gages attached, strain indicator box, strain switch box, calipers

1.        Use the same beam as in the previous procedure. First make sure the loading screw is not touching the beam.
2.        Set the strain switch box is set to channel 1.
¿        Channel 1 reads the longitudinal strain from the gauge from the top gauge.
3.        Zero the strain reading on the strain indicator box using the ¿balance¿ dial. Do not adjust the balance again for the remainder of this procedure.
4.        Switch the strain switch box to channel 3. Record this value as the Initial (undeflected) transverse strain.
¿        Channel 3 reads the transverse strain from the gauge from the bottom gauge.
5.        Twist the loading screw at the end of the beam until it touches the beam. Continue to twist the loading screw until the display reads about 500 &#956;&#949; plus the initially recorded value. Record the Final (deflected) transverse strain.
6.        Switch back to Channel 1 and record the Final longitudinal strain.
7.        Unload the beam until it is no longer touching the beam. Verify that the strain returns to approximately zero (+/- 10 &#956;&#949;).
¿        If not, see the TA for assistance.

Post Analysis and Report
1.        Find the net longitudinal and transverse strains by subtracting the initial and final values. Correct the transverse strain for transverse sensitivity error by multiplying it by the correction factor.
2.        Determine Poisson¿s ratio for the aluminum flexure beam.


Abstract (10 pts):         _____ / 10
After you¿ve completed the lab write a paragraph or two that summarizes the experimental activities and findings.

Results (40 pts):         _____ /40
Be sure to include the following:  
1.        At least one sample calculation for each type of calculation
2.        Format the figures nicely. The neater it is, the easier it is to grade.
¿        Use appropriate number of significant figures
¿        Use a white plot area
¿        Use about ½ the page
¿        Use correct units on axes

Test 1: Tensile Testing ¿ Young¿s Modulus         ____ / 10

Table 1: Modulus of Elasticity - Dimensions
Measurement        Units        Material
        A36 steel        6061-T651 aluminum
Width        in.       
Thickness        in.       

Figure 1: Engineering Stress vs. Engineering Strain (4 pts)         ____

Table 2: Modulus of Elasticity (6 pts)         ____
Measurement        Units        Material
        A36 steel        6061-T651 aluminum
Modulus of Elasticity (Experimental), E1       
Modulus of Elasticity (published), Epub       
% Error of E calculated       

Sample Calculations

Test 2: Tensile Testing ¿ Test to Failure         ___ / 15

Table 3: Test to Failure - Dimensions
Measurement        Symbol        Units        A36 steel        6061-T651 aluminum
Width        b        in.       
Thickness        t        in.       
Initial gage length        l0        in.       
Final thickness        tf        in.       
Final width        bf        in.       
Final gage length        lf        in.       
Detail of Fracture
Surface (sketch)        --


Figure 2: Engineering Stress vs. Displacement for Steel and Aluminum (4 pts)         ____

Table 4: ASTM Mechanical Requirements (11 pts)        ____
Value        Units        Material
        A36 steel        6061-T651 aluminum
&#963;y (Calculated)       
&#963;y (ASTM)       
&#963;y Pass/Fail        --       
&#963;u (Calculated)       
&#963;u (ASTM)       
&#963;u Pass/Fail        --       
% RA        %       
% EL (Measured)        %       
% EL (ASTM)        %       
% EL [Pass/Fail]        --       
Pass/Fail ASTM Stds.?        --       

Sample Calculations

Test 3: Flexural Test¿Aluminum Beam Young¿s Modulus         ___ / 9

Table 5: Modulus of Elasticity ¿ Dimensions
Measurement        Symbol        Units        Value
Width        b        in.       
Thickness        t        in.       
Length        L        in.        10.25

Table 6: Modulus of Elasticity ¿ Strain Measurements
Step        Mass (g)        Longitudinal Strain
1        0       
2        200       
3        400       
4        600       
5        800       
6        1000       
7        1200       
8        1400       
9        1600       
10        1800       
11        2000       

Figure 3: Stress vs. Strain for an Aluminum Flexure Beam (4 pts)         ____

Table 7: Comparison of Young¿s Modulus Values (5 pts)         ____
Calculation        Units        Result
E1        psi       
E3        psi       
Epub        psi       
%Error E (E1 & E3)        %       
%Error E (E3 & Epub)        %       

where:        E1 = Calculated E from Test 1
        E3 =  Calculated E from Test 3
        Epub = Published E

Sample Calculations

Test 4: Flexural Test¿Aluminum Beam Poisson¿s Ratio        ___ / 6

Table 8: Flexural Test¿Strain Values
Value        Longitudinal Strain        Transverse Strain
Initial (undeflected)        0       
Final (deflected)       
Final minus Initial       
Correction Factor        1.00        1.03
Corrected Strains       

Table 9: Poisson¿s Ratio for 6061-T651 Aluminum by Flexural Beam (6 pts)         ___
Value        Result
%Error &#957;       

where:         &#957;exp - Poisson¿s Ratio calculated from Test 4
        &#957;pub - Published Poisson¿s Ratio  

Points for Discussion
Answer the following questions (6 ¿ 5 pts = 30)         ____ / 30

Test 1: Tensile Testing ¿ Young¿s Modulus
1.        Compare Young¿s modulus of the two materials tested. Explain how stiffness is different from strength.

Test 2: Flexural Test¿Aluminum Beam Young¿s Modulus
2.        Do you expect the results from your group to be exactly the same as those from other groups, given that everyone tested the same type of material using the same procedure and equipment? Explain why or why not.

3.        Compare the ductility of the materials tested based on the data collected. Use the %RA, %EL, shape changes and your stress vs. displacement graph in your answer.

4.        How would the failure stress of the specimen change if its width were doubled?

Test 3: Flexural Test¿Aluminum Beam Young¿s Modulus
5.        Would temperature have a significant effect on the measurement of strain?

Test 4: Flexural Test¿Aluminum Beam Poisson¿s Ratio
6.        What does a higher value of Poisson¿s ratio indicate for a material? What would a Poisson¿s ratio of 0.5 mean for a material?

Conclusion (20 pts):         ____ / 20

Write a conclusion for the experiments conducted by commenting on the following:
1.        Do the results obtained make sense? How do they compare with ASTM Standard values (if applicable). (6 pts)         ___
2.        Was there anything in the experimental procedure or conditions that would lead you to question the results? (6 pts)         ___
3.        Is a ductile material preferable over a brittle material for use in a structure? Explain why. (4 pts)        ___
4.        Is it a good idea for a designer to allow a structural member to be loaded past the yield point under a design load? Explain why or why not.        (4 pts)        `        ___


CE 3402 Lab Manual: Lab Assignment No. 1 Metals 1. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN Spring 2008.

Mamlouk & Zaniewski. Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers. 2nd Ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Company, Inc. 2006.

ASTM Standards
¿        A370-97a Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
¿        E8-01e1 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
¿        E132 Standard Test Method for Poisson's Ratio at Room Temperature
¿        A36/A36M-01 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
¿        B221-00 Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes
¿        E6-99e2 Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing

Old:  <no text provided>
Please provide a provisional syllabus for new courses and courses in which changes in content and/or description and/or credits are proposed that include the following information: course goals and description; format/structure of the course (proposed number of instructor contact hours per week, student workload effort per week, etc.); topics to be covered; scope and nature of assigned readings (texts, authors, frequency, amount per week); required course assignments; nature of any student projects; and how students will be evaluated.

The University policy on credits is found under Section 4A of "Standards for Semester Conversion" at http://www.fpd.finop.umn.edu/groups/senate/documents/policy/semestercon.html . Provisional course syllabus information will be retained in this system until new syllabus information is entered with the next major course modification, This provisional course syllabus information may not correspond to the course as offered in a particular semester.

New:  CE3402W
Construction Materials

Course description:  CE 3402W is designed to provide civil engineering students with an introduction to the physical and mechanical characteristics of common engineering materials.  The course combines lectures with laboratory experiences to give students a better understanding of the important properties of key construction materials.
Lecture:        Section 001        time:        11:15 am -12:05 pm Tu,Th        location:        210 CivE
Laboratory:        Section 002        time:        14:30 pm -17:30 pm M        location:        188&182 CivE
        Section 003        time:        14:30 pm -17:30 pm Tu        location:        188&182 CivE
        Section 004        time:        14:30 pm -17:30 pm W        location:        188&182 CivE
        Section 005        time:        14:30 pm -17:30 pm Th        location:        188&182 CivE
Instructors:        Dr. Mihai Marasteanu         office:        164 CivE
Phone/e-mail:        612-625-5558/ maras002@umn.edu        hours:        11:00 ¿ 12:00 M, W
        10:00 ¿ 11:00 Tu, Th
Lab TA (teach 1,2,3,4)        Eyoab Zegeye        office:        267 CivE
e-mail:        zegey001@umn.edu        hours:        11:00 ¿ 12:00 M, W

Lab TA (assist&grade 1,2,3,4)        Myles Volmer        office:        179 CivE, #1
e-mail:        voll0084@umn.edu        hours:        11:30 ¿ 12:30 Tu, Th

Lecture TA:        Jasmine Austin        office:        179 CivE, #15
e-mail:        aust0160@umn.edu        hours:        2:00 ¿ 3:00 pm M, W

Textbook: Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, by M. S. Mamlouk and J. P. Zaniewski, Addison Wesley Publishing, 2005.

Reference: Various ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards.  These are available in the Reference section of the library.  You may photocopy single copies of these standards.

Prerequisite:        Admission to I.T. and satisfactory completion of Deformable Body Mechanics (semester course AEM 3031 or quarter course AEM 3016).  Concurrent registration is not acceptable.

ABET outcomes:  The Department of Civil Engineering offers two ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) accredited undergraduate degrees: Civil Engineering (CE), and Geological Engineering (GeoE). To maintain accreditation, the Department of Civil Engineering must demonstrate that all of their graduates have the 11 general skills and abilities listed below.  In this course, ABET Outcomes (a), (b), (e), and (g) will be specifically emphasized.   

(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering,
(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs,  (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams,  (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems,
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility,  (g) an ability to communicate effectively,
(h) the education to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning
¿        (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues, and  (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.  
Writing intensive designation: Construction Materials is designated as a writing intensive course. In this course, you will learn to apply effective rhetorical strategies, communicate technical data, and master general and genre-specific writing techniques through the process of writing laboratory reports. The laboratory report provides an opportunity for you to apply engineering principles and take part in the creation and confirmation of what is ¿known¿ in your field. This process helps you develop writing and analytical tools you will need to create effective professional and academic communications in your future career.

In Construction Materials, writing instruction will be provided through the use of in-class lectures and pre-lab discussions. In-class lectures will cover basic standards for professional writing and genre-specific standards for the laboratory report.   The pre-lab discussions will reinforce the material taught in the lecture by exploring the specific content and rhetorical requirements for each section of the laboratory report and by addressing common errors found in student work.  

Grading:  The grading of the course will be determined as follows:

Grade Composition        Grading System
Exam 1:        18%
Exam 2:        15%
Exam 3:        13%
Quizzes:         9 %
Homework:        12 %
Laboratory:     33%
All exams are closed book        Total Score        Course Grade
95.00 - 100.00        A   (4.00)
90.00 - 94.99        A-  (3.67)
85.00 - 89.99        B+ (3.33)
80.00 - 84.99        B    (3.00)
75.00 - 79.99        B-  (2.67)
70.00 - 74.99        C+ (2.33)
65.00 - 69.99        C   (2.00)
60.00 - 64.99        C-  (1.67)
55.00 - 59.99        D+ (1.33)
50.00 - 54.99        D   (1.00)
    < 50.00        F    (0.00)

Quizzes: No make-up quiz is allowed unless you contact us in advance.  

Homework:  Homework assignments are usually handed out on Tuesdays, and collected a week later.  Students who hand in homework two days later (following Thursday) will be penalized 50%. No assignment more than two days late is accepted.  Please observe the following guidelines:  
¿        Use 8.5 x 11 paper (engineering paper is recommended but not required)
¿        Use one side of each sheet only
¿        Only one problem per page and indicate the problem number
¿        State the problem statement clearly
¿        List all pertinent assumptions and provide a brief statement of how the problem will be solved
¿        Prepare sketches as needed (these can be sketched freehand but they should be neat and legible)
¿        Summarize all calculations (the use of tables is encouraged for long problems)
¿        Highlight the solution an indicate the proper units, and
¿        Include your name, assignment number and date on the first sheet of your homework set.  

Grading of formal lab reports: Throughout the semester, students will compose a minimum of 12 pages of polished, professional writing in the form of laboratory reports.  As noted in the table above, one third of your final grade will be based on these writing assignments.  Significant attention will be given to the quality of your work, including use of professional tone, proper rhetorical strategies, and correct content organization. For each assignment, students will receive feedback and the opportunity for revision.

A general outline for the six formal lab reports is as follows:
1.        Title page
2.        Abstract (10%)
3.        Table of contents
4.        Introduction (10%)
5.        Procedure and laboratory setup (10%)
6.        Results (20% includes Appendix B)
7.        Uncertainty analysis (10%)
8.        Conclusion (20%)
9.        Appendix A ¿ Procedures
10.        Appendix B ¿ Sample calculation
11.        Appendix C ¿ Raw data
Other criteria to be considered include:
1.        Organization (5%)
2.        Figures (5%)
3.        Style/Grammar/Spelling (10%)

The writing instructor will announce the due date of the lab report for each lab. Lab report revisions will be due exactly one week from the date they are returned.  Late reports will be accepted, but 30% will be deducted for every day that the report is late.
The writing instructor is available in class and during office hours to help students with assignment-specific writing issues. Students may also make use of the writing assistance offered by Student Writing Support (SWS).   SWS offers both in-person and online consultations to help students with all stages of the writing process. Consulting is available by appointment online and in Nicholson Hall, and on a walk-in basis in Appleby Hall. For more information, go to writing.umn.edu/sws or call 612.625.1893.
Attendance and absences:  You are expected to attend class and lab promptly and regularly.  If you are unable to attend class/lab, it is your responsibility to obtain notes from a classmate.  If you arrive late to class/lab, or must leave early, please be considerate with your classmates, and do so as quietly and unobtrusively as possible. If you are unable to submit a homework assignment or lab report, or take an exam or quiz, due to an absence, you will be granted a waiver of the late homework policy, or be given the opportunity to make up for the missed exam or quiz only under special circumstances.  These include 1) illness or personal injury and 2) university-related extracurricular activities.  Illnesses and personal injuries include you or your children or spouse, and extracurricular activities include athletics.  

Credits and workload expectations:  Generally, when a one-credit course is taken, an average of three hours of learning effort per week (over a full semester) is necessary for an average student to achieve an average grade in the course.  A student taking a three-credit course that meets for three hours a week should expect to spend an additional six hours a week on coursework outside the classroom.

Laboratory safety:  You must wear a hard hat and safety glasses when you are in the structures laboratory at all times.  You must stay away from all active testing equipment.  You can request ear plugs if necessary.

Students with disabilities:  It is the University Policy to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements.  Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact me when possible to discuss their individual needs for accommodations.

Policies regarding scholastic misconduct:  Academic dishonesty in any portion of the academic work for a course shall be grounds for awarding a grade of F or N for the entire course.  Scholastic misconduct is broadly defined as "any act that violates the rights of another student in academic work or that involves misrepresentation of your own work." Scholastic dishonesty includes, (but is not necessarily limited to): cheating on assignments or examinations; plagiarizing (i.e., submitting the same project result or substantially similar result); depriving another student of necessary course materials; or interfering with another student's work.

No.        Date        Topics        Reading        Quiz        HW
2        Sept. 8
Sept. 10
        Introduction, mechanical properties
Mechanical properties
        Ch. 1
Ch. 1       
4        Sept. 15
Sept. 17
        Non-mechanical properties, material variability
Nature of materials
        Ch. 1
Ch. 2       
1        2
        Sept. 22
Sept. 24
Lab 1        Metallic materials
Steel, Mechanical Properties
Introduction + laboratory measuring devices + metals        Ch. 2
Ch. 3       
8        Sept. 29
Oct. 1
Lab 2        Corrosion and Welding
Metals part 2        Ch. 3
Ch. 4       
2        4
10        Oct. 6
Oct. 8
        Phase Diagrams
Phase Diagrams
        Ch. 2 & 3
Ch. 2 & 3       
        Oct. 13
Oct. 15
        EXAM 1 from 11:15 to 12:30 (lectures 1 to 10)
Ch. 5       
14        Oct. 20
Oct. 22
Lab 3        Aggregates
Portland cement
Aggregates        Ch. 5
Ch. 6
16        Oct. 27
Oct. 29
Lab 4        Portland cement
Portland cement concrete
Concrete mixtures (structures lab)         Ch. 6
Ch. 7        3       
18        Nov. 3
Nov. 5
Lab 5        Portland cement concrete
Portland cement concrete
Hardened concrete        Ch. 7
Ch. 8       
20        Nov. 10
Nov. 12
EXAM 2 from 11:15 to 12:30 (lectures 12 to 19)
        Ch. 8
22        Nov. 17
Nov. 19
Lab 6        Wood
Organic solids; Composite materials
Make Masonry         Ch. 10
Ch. 3 & 11        8
        Nov. 24
Nov. 26
        Composite materials
HOLIDAY (Thanksgiving)
        Ch. 11
        5        9
25        Dec. 1
Dec. 3
Lab 7        Asphalt cement
Asphalt cement
Wood (test masonry)        Ch. 9
Ch. 9       
27        Dec. 8
Dec. 10
Lab 8        Asphalt concrete
Asphalt concrete
Asphalt Materials        Ch. 9
Ch. 9        6       
28        Dec. 15
        EXAM 3 from 11:15 to 12:30 (lectures 21 to 27)

Old:  <no text provided>