Tubeless siphon of a 1.0 wt% 4 million g/mol PEO solution laden with and without 850µm resin particles



Elapsed time: 0 sec                 4 sec                       11.4 sec                         12 sec


Elapsed time: 0 sec                 4 sec                          7 sec                          9 sec

Sequence of photographs of a tubeless siphon of a 1% aqueous PEO solution at a suction speed of 0.052cm/s. (a) The siphon is loaded with 4% by volume of 850 µm resin particles. All the mixture is cleaned from the beaker. (b) When there are no particles, a puddle of fluid is left in the beaker. The same container is used in case (a) and (b); the initial volume of the fluid-particle mixture in (a) is equal to the initial volume of the fluid in (b).