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Minnesota Space Grant Information

Minnesota Space Grant Consortium
Statistical Data

The MnSGC serves the state of Minnesota through the participation of 14 colleges, universities, community and tribal colleges, and governmental and industrial partners. The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus serves as the lead institution of the MnSGC that serves to promote science and engineering in K-12, higher education, research & development, and public outreach venues. (Statistics given below are approximate)

Statistics of the MN Space Grant Program
Statistic Value
Total Number of Programs in the MnSGC: 72
Total Number of Participants annually: 12,000
Total dollars to undergraduates annually: $125,000
Total dollars to graduate students annually: $25,000
Total percentage of dollars to minorities annually: 12%
Total annual NASA funding: $500,000
Total annual institutionally matched funding: $500,000

Last Modified: 2007-09-21 at 12:09:05 -- this is in International Standard Date and Time Notation