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Soil, Water, and Climate (SOIL) Courses

Academic Unit: Soil, Water, & Climate

SOIL 1425 - Introduction to Meteorology [ENVT PHYS SCI/L]
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 1425 until 06-SEP-16, was ES 1425 until 05-SEP-06, was GEOG 1425 until 21-JAN-03, was GEOG 1425 until 03-SEP-02, was GEOG 1425 until 05-SEP-00, ESPM 1425 (starting 05-SEP-00, was ES 1425 until 05-SEP-06, was GEOG 1425 until 21-JAN-03, was SOIL 1425 until 03-SEP-02, was GEOG 1425 until 03-SEP-02, was SOIL 1425 until 05-SEP-00, was GEOG 1425 until 05-SEP-00, was SOIL 1425 until 07-SEP-99), GEOG 1425
Nature of atmosphere, its behavior. Atmospheric composition, structure, stability, motion. Precipitation processes, air masses, fronts, cyclones, anticyclones. General weather patterns. Meteorological instruments/observation. Weather map analysis. Weather forecasting.
SOIL 1426W - Introduction to Meteorology Laboratory [WI PHYS SCI/L]
(2 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: was GEOG 1426 until 07-SEP-04, was ES 1426 until 24-MAY-04, was GEOG 1426 until 20-JAN-04, was ES 1426 until 20-JAN-04, was GEOG 1426 until 21-JAN-03, was GEOG 1426W until 21-JAN-03, was GEOG 1426 until 05-SEP-00, was SOIL 1426 until 07-SEP-99
Offered in conjunction with 1425. Weather observation, meteorological instrumentation. Statistical analysis of weather observations, climatological data. Map analysis, weather forecasting.
SOIL 2125 - Basic Soil Science [ENV PHYS]
(4 cr; Prereq-[CHEM 1015, CHEM 1017] or CHEM 1021 or equiv; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: AGUM 2251 (inactive, ending 22-JAN-02), SOIL 5125 (starting 07-SEP-04), SOIL 1125 (inactive, ending 20-JAN-15)
Basic physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil. Soil genesis classification, principles of soil fertility. Use of soil survey information to make a land-use plan. WWW used for lab preparation information.
SOIL 2601 - The Social Life of Soil [ENV]
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall)
Soil microorganisms can either promote plant health or wage chemical warfare. And alliances can turn on a dime. Learn about this fascinating dog-eat-dog world and how we can support a rich soil ecosystem that benefits plants and humans.
SOIL 3221 - Soil Conservation and Water Quality Impacts
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Spring)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 3221 until 18-JAN-22, was ES 3221 until 05-SEP-06
Soil conservation and water quality impacts of soil erosion, including nutrient transport to surface waters. Causes/consequences of soil erosion. Physical processes of wind/water erosion. Soil conservation techniques for agriculture, forestry, mining, and urban land uses. Economic, political, and sociological influences on soil conservation. Strategies for reducing nutrient losses to surface waters.
SOIL 3416 - Plant Nutrients in the Environment
(3 cr; Prereq-SOIL 2125; Student Option; offered Every Spring)
Fundamental concepts in soil fertility and plant nutrition. Discuss dynamics of mineral elements in soil, plants, and the environment. Evaluation, interpretation, and correction of plant nutrient problems.
SOIL 3521 - Soil Judging
(1 cr; Prereq-An introductory soils course and field studies course.; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall; may be repeated for 3 credits; may be repeated 3 times)
A field-based course which requires students to apply fundamental knowledge obtained from Basic Soil Science and Field Study of Soils to the description of soils in the field. This course includes an inter-collegiate Soil Judging contest that takes during the course of the class.
SOIL 3612W - Soil and Environmental Biology [WI]
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 3612W until 09-SEP-16, was ES 3612W until 05-SEP-06, was SOIL 3612 until 05-SEP-00
Properties of microorganisms that impact soil fertility, structure, and quality. Nutrient requirements of microbes and plants, and mineral transformations in biogeochemical cycling. Symbiotic plant/microbe associations and their role in sustainable agricultural production. Biodegradation of pollutants and bioremediation approaches.
SOIL 3993 - Directed Study
(1 cr [max 4]; Prereq-Department consent, instructor consent, no more than 6 credits of directed research counts towards CFANS major requirements; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 6 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
Equivalent courses: was SOIL 4093 until 21-JAN-20
A course in which a student designs and carries out a directed study on selected topics or problems under the direction of a faculty member; eg, literature review. Directed study courses may be taken for variable credit and special permission is needed for enrollment. Students enrolling in a directed study will be required to use the University-wide on-line directed study contract process in order to enroll.
SOIL 3994 - Directed Research
(1 cr [max 4]; Prereq-Department consent, instructor consent, no more than 6 credits of directed research counts towards CFANS major requirements.; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 6 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
Equivalent courses: was SOIL 4094 until 21-JAN-20
An opportunity in which a student designs and carries out a directed research project under the direction of a faculty member. Directed research may be taken for variable credit and special permission is needed for enrollment. Students enrolling in a directed research will be required to use the University-wide on-line directed research contract process in order to enroll.
SOIL 4021W - Environmental Impact Statements [WI]
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Spring)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 4021W until 19-JAN-16, was ES 4021W until 05-SEP-06, was SOIL 4021 until 05-SEP-00
Roles of governmental agencies, consultants, and private citizens in the EIS process. Students will read EIS, EAW and analyze their content and scope, and prepare an EAW according to Minnesota EQB guidelines and an EIS on a local project.
SOIL 4111 - Introduction to Precision Agriculture
(3 cr; Prereq-Basic sciences, statistics, soil, agronomy; A-F or Audit; offered Every Spring)
Soil, landscape, and crop spatial variability. GIS, DEM, GPS technologies. Variable rate machinery, PA software, remote sensing. Geostatistics, sampling, experimental designs. Precision integrated crop management. Data acquisition, processing, and management. Socio-economical and e-marketing aspects.
SOIL 4121 - Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology
(3 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Periodic Spring)
Equivalent courses: was ES 4121 until 23-MAY-05, was MICB 4121 until 21-JAN-03
Interrelationship of microorganisms with terrestrial, aquatic, and organismal environments; survey of bacterial, fungal, and algal components of ecosystems; evolution and structure of microbial communities; population interactions within ecosystems; quantitative and habitat ecology; biogeochemical cycling; and biotechnological approaches to study of microbial ecology; molecular microbial ecology; gene transfer in the environment. Molecular phylogeny of microorganisms.
SOIL 4216 - Contaminant Hydrology
(2 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 4216 until 06-SEP-16, was ES 4216 until 05-SEP-06
Principles of contaminant transport in percolate solution and in overland flow. Hydrologic cycle, percolation/runoff processes, contaminant transport, leachate sampling methods, remediation technologies, scale effects on runoff water quality, tillage technologies, control of sediment/chemical losses. Discussions mostly descriptive, but involve some computations.
SOIL 4511 - Field Study of Soils
(2 cr; Prereq-2125; A-F or Audit; offered Every Summer)
Learn to write soil profile descriptions in the field. Class requires hands-on experience to determine soil texture, color, and horizon designations in the field.
SOIL 4601 - Soils and Pollution
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 4601 until 16-JAN-18, was ES 4601 until 05-SEP-06
Principles of microbiology, chemistry, physics applied to evaluation of pollution of soils. Mitigation of pollution in agricultural/urban settings, remediation of polluted sites.
SOIL 5125 - Soil Science for Teachers and Professionals
(4 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: AGUM 2251 (inactive, ending 22-JAN-02), SOIL 1125 (inactive, ending 20-JAN-15), SOIL 2125 (starting 16-JAN-01)
Basic physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil. Soil genesis classification, principles of soil fertility. Use of soil survey information to make a land-use plan. WWW used for lab preparation information.
SOIL 5211 - Environmental Biophysics and Ecology
(2 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Spring; may be repeated for 3 credits)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 5131 until 04-SEP-12, was ES 5211 until 05-SEP-06
Basic concepts of environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, wind, and radiation. Mechanics of eat/mass transfer between a living organism and its surrounding environment. Set of practical examples to integrate concepts and transport processes.
SOIL 5212 - Environmental Biophysics and Ecology Laboratory
(1 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Spring)
Equivalent courses: was ES 5212 until 17-JAN-06
Introduces experimental techniques in environmental biophysics and ecological studies. Measuring biophysical parameters of plants, animals, and their surrounding environments. Defining/describing physical status of a living organism, determining the rate of mass/energy exchange.
SOIL 5232 - Vadose Zone Hydrology
(3 cr; Prereq-[Math 1271 or equiv], [Phys 1042 or equiv]; Student Option; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: was ES 5232 until 02-SEP-03
Basic soil physical properties/processes governing transport of mass/energy in soils. Emphasizes water/solute transport through unsaturated root/vadose zones, their impact on subsurface hydrology and on water quality. Lectures, hands-on laboratory exercises, discussion of real world problems, problem solving.
SOIL 5311 - Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 5311 until 20-JAN-15
Structural chemistry, origin/identification of crystalline soil clay minerals. Structure of soil organic matter. Chemical processes in soil: solubility, adsorption/desorption, ion exchange, oxidation/reduction, acidity, alkalinity. Solution of problems related to environmental degradation, plant nutrition, and soil genesis.
SOIL 5402 - The Atmospheric Boundary Layer
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 5402 until 23-MAY-16, was ES 5402 until 05-SEP-06
Calculus-based introduction to the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), the interface between the earth's surface and the atmosphere. Topics include ABL development and turbulence, surface energy balance, ABL clouds, air quality, microclimate, and observational and modeling methods.
SOIL 5421 - Introduction to Atmospheric Science
(3 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: was ES 5421 until 24-MAY-04, was GEOG 5401 until 18-JAN-00, was SOIL 5401 until 07-SEP-99
Calculus-based, introductory description of the atmosphere including atmospheric dynamics, radiation, thermodynamics, chemical composition, and cloud processes. Discuss applications to climate, meteorology, the hydrologic cycle, air quality, and biogeochemical cycles.
SOIL 5480 - Special Topics in Land and Atmospheric Science (Topics course)
(1 cr [max 4]; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 6 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 5480 until 17-JAN-23
Lectures by visiting scholar or regular staff member. Topics specified in Class Schedule.
SOIL 5515 - Soil Genesis and Landscape Relations
(3 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Spring)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 5515 until 19-JAN-16
Basic soil morphology and soil profile descriptions; pedogenic processes and models of soil development; soil geomorphology, hydrology, and hillslope processes; digital spatial analysis; soil classification; soil surveys and land use; soil geography.
SOIL 5555 - Wetland Soils
(3 cr; Prereq-SOIL 1125 or 2125 or equiv or instr consent; concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in SOIL 4511 recommended; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: ESPM 5555 (starting 18-JAN-05, was ES 5555 until 05-SEP-06)
Morphology, chemistry, hydrology, formation of mineral/organic soils in wet environments. Soil morphological indicators of wet conditions, field techniques of identifying hydric soils for wetland delineations. Peatlands. Wetland benefits, preservation, regulation, mitigation. Field trips, lab, field hydric soil delineation project.
SOIL 5601 - Principles of Waste Management
(3 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Spring)
Equivalent courses: was ESPM 5601 until 19-JAN-21, was ES 5601 until 05-SEP-06
Waste and waste management principles. Issues, problems, and solutions in remedying waste stream. MSW and yard waste composting, WTE incineration operation, ash disposal, recycling, land fill requirements, direct land disposal, regulatory trends, and case studies.
SOIL 5611 - Soil Biology and Fertility
(4 cr; Prereq-Biol 1009 or equiv, Chem 1021 or equiv; Soil 2125 recommended; Student Option; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: INMD 7316 (inactive, ending 10-AUG-15)
Properties of microorganisms that impact soil fertility, structure, and quality. Nutrient requirements of microbes and plants, and mineral transformations in biogeochemical cycling. Symbiotic plant/microbe associations and their role in sustainable agricultural production. Biodegradation of pollutants and bioremediation approaches.
SOIL 5993 - Directed Study
(1 cr [max 4]; Prereq-department consent, instructor consent, no more than 6 credits of directed study counts towards CFANS major requirements.; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 6 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
A course in which a student designs and carries out a directed study on selected topics or problems under the direction of a faculty member; eg, literature review. Directed study courses may be taken for variable credit and special permission is needed for enrollment. Students enrolling in a directed study will be required to use the University-wide on-line directed study contract process in order to enroll.
SOIL 5994 - Directed Research
(1 cr [max 4]; Prereq-department consent, instructor consent, no more than 6 credits of directed research counts towards CFANS major requirements.; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 6 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
An opportunity in which a student designs and carries out a directed research project under the direction of a faculty member. Directed research may be taken for variable credit and special permission is needed for enrollment.Students enrolling in a directed research will be required to use the University-wide on-line directed research contract process in order to enroll.
SOIL 8005 - Supervised Classroom or Extension Teaching Experience
(2 cr; Prereq-instr consent; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: LAAS 8005, BBE 8005 (starting 05-SEP-06, ending 06-SEP-05, was BAE 8005 until 16-JAN-07), AGRO 8005 (inactive, starting 02-SEP-08, ending 06-SEP-05, starting 03-SEP-02, was BBE 8005 until 02-SEP-08, was HORT 8005 until 02-SEP-08, was PLPA 8005 until 02-SEP-08, was SOIL 8005 until 02-SEP-08, was BBE 8005 until 16-JAN-07, was HORT 8005 until 16-JAN-07, was PLPA 8005 until 16-JAN-07, was SOIL 8005 until 16-JAN-07, was BAE 8005 until 03-SEP-02, was HORT 8005 until 03-SEP-02, was PLPA 8005 until 03-SEP-02, was SOIL 8005 until 03-SEP-02, was BAE 8005 until 07-SEP-99, was HORT 8005 until 07-SEP-99, was PLPA 8005 until 07-SEP-99, was SOIL 8005 until 07-SEP-99), HORT 8005 (inactive), PLPA 8005 (ending 20-JAN-15)
Teaching experience in one of five departments: Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering; Agronomy and Plant Genetics; Horticultural Science; Soil, Water, and Climate; or Plant Pathology. Participation in discussions about effective teaching to strengthen skills and develop a personal teaching philosophy.
SOIL 8110 - Colloquium in Soil Science
(1 cr [max 3]; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 6 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
Research or intellectual areas in soil science or climatology not covered in regular courses. Topics vary; contact department for current offerings.
SOIL 8123 - Research Ethics in the Plant and Environmental Sciences
(.5 cr; S-N or Audit; offered Every Spring)
Equivalent courses: PLPA 8123, APSC 8123, PMB 8123 (ending 21-JAN-03, was PBS 8123 until 16-JAN-18, was PBIO 8123 until 06-SEP-05)
Ethics training to graduate students enrolled in plant/environmental graduate research programs and fulfill requirement for training in responsible conduct of research.
SOIL 8128 - Seminar in Soils
(1 cr; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 2 credits; may be repeated 2 times)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8128 until 28-MAY-13
Students present an open seminar on an advanced topic and attend seminars presented by other graduate students.
SOIL 8195 - Research Problems in Soils (independent study)
(1 cr [max 5]; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 10 credits; may be repeated 10 times)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8195 until 20-JAN-15
Directed research on special topics of interest in soil science or climatology supervised by individual or small groups of faculty.
SOIL 8252 - Advanced Soil Physics
(2 cr; Prereq-[5232, differential equations] or instr consent; Student Option; offered Spring Even Year)
Advances in measurements/modeling of soil physical properties/processes as they relate to water, solute, heat movement in soils. Measuring/estimating hydraulic/thermal properties. Scaling, media concepts. Applying fractals. Analytical/numerical solutions of non-steady state heat/water flow equations. Analytical solutions of diffusion-dispersive equation for solute movement. Spatial variability in soil physical properties/processes.
SOIL 8333 - FTE: Master's
(1 cr; No Grade Associated; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; 6 academic progress units; 6 financial aid progress units)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8333 until 20-JAN-15
(No description)
SOIL 8444 - FTE: Doctoral
(1 cr; No Grade Associated; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; 6 academic progress units; 6 financial aid progress units)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8444 until 20-JAN-15
SOIL 8510 - Advanced Topics in Pedology (Topics course)
(2 cr [max 4]; Prereq-5515; A-F or Audit; offered Fall Odd Year; may be repeated for 12 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
Sample topics: soil-landscape relations, soil genesis, landscape evolution, land use and management, precision agriculture, digital terrain modeling, forest soils.
SOIL 8550 - Teaching Experience
(1 cr; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 6 credits; may be repeated 6 times)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8550 until 20-JAN-15
Provides students with practical experiences in instructional techniques in a university setting.
SOIL 8666 - Doctoral Pre-Thesis Credits
(1 cr [max 6]; No Grade Associated; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 12 credits; may be repeated 2 times)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8666 until 20-JAN-15
SOIL 8777 - Thesis Credits: Master's
(1 cr [max 18]; No Grade Associated; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 50 credits; may be repeated 10 times)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8777 until 20-JAN-15
(No description)
SOIL 8888 - Thesis Credit: Doctoral
(1 cr [max 24]; No Grade Associated; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 100 credits; may be repeated 10 times)
Equivalent courses: was LAAS 8888 until 20-JAN-15
(No description)

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