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Inactive: Clinical & Population Sciences (CAPS) Courses

Academic Unit: Clinical/Population Sciences

CAPS 3502 - Animal Health & Disease
(3 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall)
Equivalent courses: was VPM 3502 until 21-MAY-12, was CVM 3502 until 02-SEP-03
Common diseases that affect farm animals (especially dairy cattle, swine). Host-agent-environment interactions that cause disease (microbiology, immunology, environmental factors). Incorporating preventive management practices in animal production systems, monitoring health/productivity, recognizing disease. Treatment considerations. Major exotic/zoonotic diseases. In-house labs or field trips.Treatment considerations. Major exotic/zoonotic diseases. In-house labs or field trips.
CAPS 3700 - Equine Reproduction and Breeding Management
(2 cr; A-F only)
Equivalent courses: was VPM 3700 until 22-JAN-19
Equine stud farm managment/procedures. Reproductive physiology of mares/stallions. Manipulation of estrus, breeding stallion management. Breeding systems. Semen collection, evaluation, and extension for on-farm use and cooled shipping. Speculum exam and artificial insemination of mares. Management of pregnant mares, foaling management, exam/diseases of foals. Stud farm design, preventive medicine programs, raising youngstock. Lectures, labs, field trips.
CAPS 7706 - Epidemiology and Biostatistics (E&B)
(2 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 16 credits; may be repeated 8 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6706 until 06-SEP-05, was VMED 7706 until 06-SEP-05, was CVM 6706 until 06-SEP-05, was VMED 7706 until 07-SEP-04, was CVM 6706 until 07-SEP-04, was VMED 7706 until 20-JAN-04, was CVM 6706 until 20-JAN-04, was VMED 7706 until 27-MAY-03, was CVM 6706 until 27-MAY-03, was VMED 7706 until 21-JAN-03, was CVM 6706 until 21-JAN-03, was VMED 7706 until 07-SEP-99
Describing data by using statistical testing techniques. Strengths/limits of statistical methodologies in veterinary medicine/epidemiology. Design of a research program given constraints of funding, time, and facilities. Preparation of a research proposal. Critical evaluation of published research.
CAPS 7709 - Advanced Building Design and Herd Evaluation (ABld)
(2 cr; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 16 credits; may be repeated 8 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6709 until 06-SEP-05, was VMED 7709 until 06-SEP-05, was CVM 6709 until 06-SEP-05, was VMED 7709 until 07-SEP-04, was CVM 6709 until 07-SEP-04, was VMED 7709 until 27-MAY-03, was CVM 6709 until 27-MAY-03, was VMED 7709 until 21-JAN-03, was CVM 6709 until 21-JAN-03, was VMED 7709 until 07-SEP-99
Design of animal housing systems. Evaluation of operating production units. Natural/mechanical ventilation systems. Ventilation and building placement. Classroom presentations, on-farm evaluations.
CAPS 7711 - Advanced Large Animal Medicine
(2 cr [max 8]; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 8 credits; may be repeated 4 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6711 until 04-JAN-21, was CVM 6711 until 05-SEP-00
Provides exposure to medical diseases of horses, cattle and small ruminants. History taking, clinical diagnosis and patient management. For hospitalized patients, experience will be gained in assessment of treatment responses. Clinic case material will be supplemented by computer-based problem-knowledge couplers and case simulations. Small group discussions will focus on clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common medical disorders.
CAPS 7714 - Large Animal Surgery (LAS)
(2 cr; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6714 until 02-SEP-08, was CVM 6714 until 21-JAN-03
Diagnostic/therapeutic management of lameness, surgical diseases of large animal species (equine, bovine, small ruminants) in a hospital setting. Students work as part of surgical service team in a referral setting.
CAPS 7736 - Equine Lameness (ELam)
(2 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 16 credits; may be repeated 8 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6736 until 04-JAN-21, was CVM 6736 until 21-JAN-03, was CVM 6736 until 21-MAY-01, was CVM 6736 until 18-JAN-00
Two week clinical rotation. Lameness, orthopedic diseases in the horse. Clinical lameness cases. Students diagnose/treat lame horses. Cases may be supplemented with discussions of videos of lame horses, radiographs and other imaging tools, and discussion of laboratory lameness.
CAPS 7738 - Advanced Equine Podiatry
(2 cr [max 8]; S-N or Audit; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 8 credits)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6738 until 05-JAN-09
Two-week didactic and laboratory course. Concepts of equine podiatry. Anatomy and physiology of the foot and hoof. Seminars on diseases of the hoof and foot, including discussion of actual cases. Labs introduce basic techniques and methods of treatment for hoof and foot injuries.
CAPS 7750 - Equine Sports and Preventive Medicine (ESPP)
(2 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6750 until 18-MAY-20, was CVM 6750 until 21-JAN-03
Equine industry, sports-performance activities, role of veterinarian. Thoroughbred racing. Show-horse, English, and Western pleasure-horse activities. Training, physiologic adaptations, diseases, rehabilitation, regulations on drug use, development/institution of preventative-medicine programs. Treadmill evaluation of gait, hoof balance, upper airway function. Imaging techniques. Field trips, guest lectures.
CAPS 7792 - Advanced Small Ruminant Medicine
(4 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 8 credits; may be repeated 2 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6792 until 04-JAN-21
Sheep, goat, llama, and farmed-deer production, medicine, and health management. Orientation to production systems. System-based review of diseases. Seasonal nutrition and health management, purchasing/introducing new stock, facility requirements/maintenance, husbandry, diagnostic aids for disease(s), record keeping, zoonosis, and necropsy of stock. Farm visits to evaluate health/productivity. Hands-on experience in reproductive management. Breeding-soundness exams, body condition scoring, vasectomy, ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis, castration, tail docking, disbudding, dehorning, vaccination/injection techniques, parasite control, restraint/handling, venipuncture, foot trimming, tuberculin testing. Round up seminars at which participants present their approach to specific production-limiting flock/herd problems.
CAPS 7815 - Dairy Ruminant Nutrition
(4 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 8 credits; may be repeated 2 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6815 until 08-MAY-05
Nutrient requirements of ruminants, nutrient content of feed stuffs (primarily forages), energy utilization, protein/non-protein nitrogen utilization, nutritional disorders, formulation of adequate rations, techniques for analyzing rations, grazing.
CAPS 7816 - Advanced Applied Dairy Nutrition
(4 cr; Student Option; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 16 credits; may be repeated 4 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6816 until 08-MAY-05
Providing counseling or assessment to a dairy farm on its nutrition program. Discussions of techniques and scientific principles. Problem solving experiences derived from field cases. Students practice using ration formulation programs. "Live" case studies and herd visits will be made by each student including a written and oral report to the client and the class. The ruminant rotation or its equivalent (AnSci 5-403) is required to taking this rotation.
CAPS 7818 - Infectious Disease Control (Biosecurity) and Development of Treatment Protocols for Dairy Farms
(4 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall & Spring; may be repeated for 16 credits; may be repeated 4 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6818 until 06-SEP-11, was CVM 6818 until 05-SEP-00
How to assist a dairy producer with implementing management practices necessary to control/treat dairy diseases.
CAPS 7820 - Advanced Dairy Records
(4 cr; A-F or Audit; offered Every Fall, Spring & Summer; may be repeated for 8 credits; may be repeated 2 times)
Equivalent courses: was CVM 6820 until 08-MAY-05
Evaluation of a dairy herd, using biological and economic records. Prepares students for consulting, identifying causes of problems and proposing solutions. Records analysis (computer and hand records). Economic-basis dairying and financial techniques for evaluating producer decisions and veterinary recommendations. Course includes computer labs and field trips.

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